Recently our co-founder, Ryan Styles, was interviewed as a new addition to the Engel & Völkers Private Office distinction. You can read the full interview below:
Q: Do you have a favorite childhood memory that still makes you smile?
Playing with my four-legged best friend, Buck, who was one of the most amazing Golden Labs you’d ever meet. Our swim coach would let Buck swim laps with us towards the end of swim practice, and I’d wrestle, play basketball and soccer with Buck for hours and hours.
Q: What’s the most interesting or unusual job you’ve ever had?
Managing a hard rock band called System Of A Down. I had just graduated from the University of Southern California and was working at Beverly Hills Luggage when a gentleman came in wearing all leather. His demeanor was intriguing, and I inquired about him. He said working in a luggage shop was no place for me and that I should perhaps help him in his new endeavor in the music business. The experience was amazing.
My office at American Records/Sony Music in Santa Monica was literally between Randy Jackson and Rick Rubin, not to mention the A&R Director for the rock band Warrant, which was one of my favorite bands in high school. I was able to see and hear more music than I ever dreamed of, and being on stage with the music band ‘Tool’ in front of 80,000 fans during Ozzfest 1998 in Wisconsin was a memory I’ll never forget.
Q: What is a small accomplishment you are really proud of?
This is an easy one, as it just occurred this weekend. I was in a really scary mountain biking accident while biking by myself this past Sunday. The accident occurred in the middle of a state park, and all I kept thinking about was our EVX talk about the hiker cutting off his arm.
The pain in my left arm was unbearable, and I was about to leave my bike next to a tree and walk home. Instead, I continued riding down the mountain with just my right hand, with my left arm up in the air to slow the blood flow. I made it home safe and sound without needing to call for help.
Q: What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done or would like to do?
I participated in a sailboat race with my dad and uncle from San Francisco to Monterey. The next day, we needed to bring the boat back up to Sausalito, but sailing around the point of Santa Cruz was the worst boat ride ever, with 20 to 25-foot waves crashing over us. We had our foul weather gear on, were securely attached to the boat, and as each of us tried to hold on, we also had to stay out of the way of each other’s throw up, which wasn’t too bad considering the next wave that crashed over us simply washed it all overboard.
Q: What’s something you’re currently curious or passionate about learning?
Sailing. I started at the age of 13 and have had so many wonderful memories. I’d probably say a fifth of my life’s highlights have come from sailing, whether on the boat or moored in the middle of the Sea of Cortez. I am currently studying to obtain my skipper’s license, and my two best friends and I are planning a sailboat trip next year for our 50th birthdays around the British Virgin Islands.
Q: What is something unique about you that most people don’t know?
I am a second-generation Realtor and owe a huge chunk of my success to my father. Ironically, he conceived me while studying for the Real Estate exam in the Summer of 1974. So, one could say Real Estate has been on my mind since before I was born.

Q: What is your favorite way to spend the weekend?
Since roughly March 2020, life has been a complete whirlwind. My six-year-old son and eight-year-old daughter have full schedules, and with our real estate obligations, weekends are primarily family/work. We are figuring out our work/life balance, and if everything goes according to plan, we will have balance in about 10 years, ha ha ha.
Q: What’s a fun or interesting fact about your family or heritage?
Besides the fact that I have three older sisters and one younger sister, I’d say the most interesting thing is the story my grandfather told me on his deathbed with my dad and sister in the room. He said that he received the same information from his grandfather at the end of his life too. Grandpa told me that he was currently the Earl of Weston, and it’s been passed down from generation to generation to the first-born son. He was unsure exactly what it meant as he never took the time or had the energy to find out, but the first-born son in the family carries the title, so when my father passes, I will become the Earl of Weston.
Q: What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?
From my dad: “Just smile and say hi.” – John W. Styles
Q: What do you hope to gain from Private Office?
Travel, lifelong friendships, and a solid referral base of amazing advisors around the world.